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Master of Science in English Language Education (English)

About the Program

Disiplinlerarası İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Tezli Yüksek Lisans programının amacı, İngiliz Dili Eğitimi alanında lisansüstü çalışma yapmak isteyen adayların

  • İngiliz Dili Eğitimi ve Öğretimi alanında yeterliklerini geliştirmek,
  • kuramsal konuların uygulamalarına yönelik farkındalıklarını ve bilgilerini artırmak,
  • araştırma yöntemlerine ve ulusal ve uluslararası literatüre hakim olmalarını sağlamak,
  • uygulamalardaki problemleri tespit edip yorumlama ve çözüm yollarını bulma kapasitelerini artırmak,
  • çalışma alanlarında geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç duydukları ve ilgilendikleri konularda aktif bir rol almaları için araştırma becerilerini geliştirmek,
  • alana, yapacakları akademik ve bilimsel çalışmalarla katkı sunmalarını sağlamak,
  • İngiliz Dili Eğitimi ve diğer disiplinlerle birlikte ortak çalışmalar yapabilmek,
  • alanda ihtiyaç duyulan mesleki ve akademik yönden donanımlı öğretmen ve öğretim elemanları olmalarına katkı sunmaktır.

Bu doğrultuda, programımız Dilbilim, Uygulamalı Dilbilim, Dil Edinimi, Dil Becerilerinin Öğretimi, Araştırma Yöntemleri, Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme, Öğretim Yöntemleri, Müfredat Geliştirme, Öğretim Programları ve Materyal Tasarımı, Dil Edinimi ve Öğretimi Kuramları,   Dil Politikaları, Dil Öğretimi ve Kültür, Kültürlerarası İletişim, Dil Eğitiminde Teknoloji Uygulamaları, Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi, Pedagojik Dilbilgisi, Öğretmen Yetiştirme Politikaları gibi dersleri kapsamaktadır. Bu programın amacı aynı zamanda akademik çalışmalarına devam etmeyi planlayan öğrencileri İngiliz Dili Eğitimi  alanındaki doktora programlarına hazırlamaktadır.


Application and Admission Requirements


For Turkish Citizens
  • Applicants must hold a 4-year undergraduate degree. (In accordance with the ASBU Rules and Regulations Governing Graduate Studies, a maximum of two semesters of scientific preparation program can be applied to students admitted to graduate programs. The relevant head of the department decides which student will be subjected to the scientific preparation program and the content of the program.)
  • Undergraduate CGPA must be at least 2.75 over 4.00 (or 70.83 over 100.)
  • Applicants must submit a minimum ALES (Equal Weight-Verbal) score of 70. An equivalent score on an exam accepted by the Higher Education Council is also valid.
  • Applicants must submit a minimum English YDS/e-YDS or YÖKDİL/e-YÖKDİL score of 80. An equivalent score on an exam accepted by the Higher Education Council is also valid.
  • Candidates must earn a minimum score of 70 from written science exams and/or interviews.
  • Overall assessment must be 70 or higher. 
For International Applicants
  • A commission set up by the relevant department’s directorate and composed of at least 3 faculty members determines the field in which applicants must hold an undergraduate degree and the minimum CGPA.
  • Candidates must demonstrate their proficiency in English to be able to start their studies. Those who have received their undergraduate degree from a university in which the language of instruction is English that is in a country where English is the official language or obtained the minimum specified score from one of the following language exams are regarded as proficient in English. Applicants who never submit any of these documents will be required to take the foreign language preparation programs, which will take a maximum of two semesters.


    (Minimum 16 from each skill)














  • The determined tuition fee of the program for the International Students must be paid. Click for the current tuition fee.
Horizontal Transfer
  • Must be currently enrolled in a Master’s program
  • Must satisfy the requirements of the program that is being applied,
  • Current GPA must be at least 2.50,
  • Must have finished at least one semester in the currently enrolled program,
  • Must NOT be further than the half of the currently enrolled program,
  • Must NOT have any disciplinary record,
  • Must have satisfied all the requirements of the completed semesters of the currently enrolled program.


Click here for courses.


Program Coordinator and Contact Information

Research Assistant Meriç DEBELEÇ

+90 312 596 44 44 (Dahili: 5571)



For Turkish Citizens
  • Click here for the documents required for the application.
  • Click here for the online application page.

The application page becomes active in the period when the applications are accepted.


Application Calendar and Evaluation

Please click for the application calendar.

Applicants are ranked based on an initial evaluation carried out by weighting 50% of ALES score and 50% of GPA. The number of candidates invited to science exams can be up to five times the quota. Three points after comma in decimals are taken into consideration in the ranking of applicants. If more than one candidate rank last with the same score, all these candidates are invited to entrance examination.

After applications are accepted, a science exam is held on the announced date. The application results are determined by weighting 50% of ALES score, 20% of GPA, and 30% of science exam score. Based on this evaluation, candidates who have earned a score of 70 and above are deemed successful. Successful candidates are ranked according to general evaluation scores (in cases of equal general evaluation scores, science exam scores are taken into consideration), and a number of candidates and substitute candidates as specified by quotas are announced on the institute's website.

For International Applicants
  • Click here for the documents required for the application and for the online application page.


Application Calendar and Evaluation

Please click for the application calendar.

Applications are evaluated by taking into account acceptance requirements of the program and international student quotas. The evaluation result is sent to the applicant's e-mail address.

Horizontal Transfer


For transfer applications, the applicant must bring the required documentation to our institute in person during the application period.

Please click for the required documents.


Application Calendar and Evaluation

Please click for the application calendar.


Applications will be evaluated by the applied department and approved by the administrative board of our institute. The results of the board decision will be announced on our website (

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