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Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Application and Exam Dates

Submission of Applications to the Head of the Department

14th of October -25th of October 2024

Notification of Exam Date, Time, Location, and Juries for Ph.D. Qualifying Exam for Students

28th of October - 8th November 2024

Dates for Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

2nd of  December 2024 - 3rd of January 2025

  • Students are required to submit their Ph.D. Qualifying Exam applications to the head of the department they are enrolled in between October 14 and October 25, 2024.
    • Click here  for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Application Form
  • The head of the department will submit "Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Jury Appointment Forms" along with "Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Application Letters" of the students through EBYS  to the Graduate School between October 28 and November 8, 2024.
    • Click here for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Jury Appointment Form.
  • The results of the exam must be reported to the Graduate School through EBYS within three days after the qualifying exam.
    • Click here for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Result Record Form.
    • Click here for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Question Sheet.
    • Click here for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Answer Sheet.
    • Click here for the Ph.D. Qualifying Oral Exam - Jury Member Evaluation Report.
  • Please read the following explanations for detailed information.



Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

ARTICLE 36  – (1) Ph.D. Qualifying exams are held once every semester within the specified period in the academic calendar. The student must take the qualifying exam at the end of the earliest third semester and at the latest the fifth semester, provided that they have successfully completed their courses, seminars, credits, and ECTS credits. A student who has not taken the qualifying exam by the end of the fifth semester is considered to have failed the first qualifying exam.

(2)  Qualifying exams are organized and conducted by the committee of five members, one of whom is the head of the department, recommended by the head of the department, and approved by the Board of the Graduate School. The committee establishes examination boards to prepare, implement, and evaluate different exams for the scientific disciplines that make up the department. The jury consists of at least two members from outside the university, including the advisor, and a total of five faculty members. Qualifying exam meetings are open to the participation of faculty members, graduate students, and experts in the field. 

(3) The Ph.D. Qualifying committee is proposed by the department head and appointed by the Board of Graduate School for a period of three years.

(4) The Ph.D. qualifying exam is conducted in two parts: written and oral. The exams are evaluated out of 100 points by each jury member. The student whose written exam average is at least 70 points is admitted to the oral exam. The student who obtains an oral exam average of at least 70 points is considered successful. The results of the exam are reported to the Graduate School within three days following the qualifying exam by the head of the department.

(5) The student who fails the qualifying exam can take the exam again in the following semester. The student who does not take the exam for the second time or fails the second exam is dismissed from the Ph.D. program.

Thesis Monitoring Committee

Article 37 – (1) For the student who is successful in the qualifying exam, a thesis monitoring committee is appointed with the recommendation of the relevant head of the department and the approval of the Graduate School Administrative Board.

(2) The thesis monitoring committee consists of three faculty members. In addition to the advisor, the committee includes one member from within and outside the department. In case a co-advisor is appointed, the coadvisor can attend the committee meetings if he/she requests.

(3) Changes can be made to the members of the thesis monitoring committee with the recommendation of the head of the department and the approval of the Graduate School Administrative Board.

Thesis Proposal Defense

Article 38 – (1) The student who successfully completes the Ph.D. qualifying exam defends the thesis proposal, which includes the aim, method, and work plan of the research, orally before the thesis monitoring committee within six months. The student distributes a written report on the thesis proposal to the committee members at least fifteen days before the oral defense. 

(2) The thesis monitoring committee decides by an absolute majority whether to “approve”, "return for revision" or “reject” the student's thesis proposal. One month is given for revision. The decision, which is taken by an absolute majority in favor of acceptance or rejection, is reported to the Graduate School within three days following the end of the process by the head of the department.

(3) If the thesis proposal is rejected, the student has the right to choose a new advisor and/or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee can be appointed. The student who wants to continue with the same advisor must present a new proposal defense within three months, and the student who changes both advisor and thesis topic must present a new proposal defense within six months. The student whose thesis proposal is rejected again in this defense is dismissed from the Graduate School.

(4) For the student whose thesis proposal has been approved, the Thesis Monitoring Committee convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The student presents a written report to the committee members at least one month before the meeting date. This report includes a summary of the work done so far and the plan for the next period. The student's thesis work is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful by the committee. The student who is deemed unsuccessful by the committee two consecutive times, or three times intermittently is dismissed from Graduate School.

(5) A student who does not participate in the thesis proposal defense within the specified period without a valid excuse is considered unsuccessful, and the thesis proposal is rejected.

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